Glowbom Bots can help you create a virtual assistant. Here’s how it works.
Create an AI that talks like a human.
Open Glowbom and create an account if you haven’t done it already. It’s free and takes 30 seconds.
Press + New Project at the top right corner:
Or press the little mic button and say: “Create an app.”
Choose Chatbot and press Select:
Or say: “Create a chatbot.”
Enter the project name and press Create project:
Or say: “Create a virtual assistant app called…“ with the name of your project.
To add and modify questions or sentences, press the little pencil button:
Or say: “Open an editor.”
By default, you have 3 questions for your virtual assistant. To add a new question or sentence, press the “+” button:
To edit the question or sentence, press the little pencil button.
To remove the question or sentence, press the remove button.
To close the editor, press the cross button at the top center.
Fill out the question or sentence and potential responses:
And press the “Save” button.
Press the “Play” button on the top right to run the project:
Or say: “Launch the project please.”
Press the “Stop” button on the top right to stop the project:
Or say: “Stop the project please.”
You can also use GPT-3 to train your virtual assistants if you have an OpenAI account. Here’s how it works.
If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know